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This article provides a list of 850 English words with their meanings, which can help learners to improve their vocabulary and achieve fluency in speaking. The words are divided into two sections, R and S, and cover a wide range of topics from nature to society. By mastering these words, learners can enhance their communication skills and express themselves more effectively in English.

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La finestra di fronte is one of the best films by Fersan Öspetek that must be watched. The movie tells the story of Giovanna, a young woman who is not satisfied with her routine life. One day, she and her husband meet an old man who has lost his memory and take him home. Initially, Simone, as the old man introduces himself, annoys Giovanna, but she becomes curious about this mysterious and refined person. With the help of Lorenzo, a banker who lives across the street, Giovanna learns the secrets of Simone's past. The film features great actors and a wonderful soundtrack, including the final song 'Gocce di memoria' performed by Giorgia. The movie is available in Italian and Russian. Enjoy!

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В данном тексте представлен список полезных фраз на английском языке, которые могут пригодиться в любом разговоре. Среди них фразы для выражения согласия, недоумения, извинения, надежды, а также для перефразирования и повторения сказанного. Также в списке есть выражения, которые помогут описать ситуацию, выразить свое мнение и попросить разъяснений. Все фразы сопровождаются переводом на русский язык.

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